Side of Software
Dated Collections Library 2.0

Uses of Interface

Uses of DatedObject in sos.dated.util

Subinterfaces of DatedObject in sos.dated.util
 interface DatedCollection<E,D>
          A collection of elements over time.
 interface DatedList<E,D>
          A list of elements over time.
 interface DatedMap<K,V,D>
          A mapping of elements over time.
 interface DatedSet<E,D>
          A set of elements over time.
 interface DatedSortedMap<K,V,D>
          A dated map whose keys are ordered.
 interface DatedSortedSet<E,D>
          A dated set whose elements are ordered.
 interface DatedValue<E,D>
          A value over time.

Classes in sos.dated.util that implement DatedObject
 class AbstractDatedCollection<E,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated collection.
 class AbstractDatedList<E,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated list.
 class AbstractDatedMap<K,V,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated map.
 class AbstractDatedObject<D>
          A partial implementation of a dated object.
 class AbstractDatedSet<E,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated set.
 class AbstractDatedValue<E,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated value.
 class AbstractMapByDate<K,V,D>
          A partial implementation of DatedMap that maintains a complete, non-dated map at each date where a change occurs.
 class AbstractSequentialDatedList<E,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated list that does not provide random access to its elements at a given date.
 class ArrayListByDate<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedList that can efficiently iterate through the list of elements at a given date by maintaining a java.util.ArrayList at each date.
 class ArrayListByElement<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedList that uses a single java.util.ArrayList to efficiently add and set values.
 class HashMapByDate<K,V,D>
          An implementation of DatedMap that maintains a java.util.HashMap at each date where a change occurs, yielding fast date iterations and fast retrievals.
 class HashMapByKey<K,V,D>
          An implementation of DatedMap that indexes its keys with a java.util.HashMap, yielding fast insertions and removals.
 class HashSetByDate<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedSet that uses a HashMapByDate as its underlying data structure.
 class HashSetByElement<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedSet that uses a HashMapByKey as its underlying data structure.
 class IdentityHashMapByDate<K,V,D>
          A special-purpose, non-conforming implementation of DatedMap that uses identity equality and identity hash code by maintaining a java.util.IdentityHashMap at each date.
 class IdentityHashMapByKey<K,V,D>
          A special-purpose, non-conforming implementation of DatedMap that uses identity equality and identity hash code.
 class LinkedHashMapByDate<K,V,D>
          An implementation of DatedMap that maintains a java.util.LinkedHashMap at each date where a change occurs, yielding fast date iterations, fast retrievals, and predictable entry iterations.
 class LinkedHashSetByDate<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedSet that uses a LinkedHashMapByDate as its underlying data structure.
 class TreeMapByDate<K,V,D>
          An implementation of DatedSortedMap that maintains a java.util.TreeMap at each date where a change occurs, yielding fast date iterations and logarithmic retrievals.
 class TreeMapByKey<K,V,D>
          An implementation of DatedSortedMap that uses an underlying TreeMap to keep all keys in sorted order and to achieve fast access to all keys.
 class TreeSetByDate<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedSet that uses a TreeMapByDate as its underlying data structure.
 class TreeSetByElement<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedSet that uses a TreeMapByKey as its underlying data structure to keep its elements in sorted order and to provide fast indexing to elements.
 class ValueByDate<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedValue that can efficiently produce the value at a given date.

Methods in sos.dated.util that return DatedObject
<D> DatedObject<D>
DatedCollections.synchronizedDatedObject(DatedObject<D> datedObject)
          Returns a synchronized, or thread-safe, view of a dated object.

Methods in sos.dated.util with parameters of type DatedObject
<D> void
DatedCollections.applyAtDates(DatedObject<D> datedObject, D from, D to, DatedCollections.Action<D> action)
          Performs the specified destructive action on the specified dated object within the specified date range.
 boolean AbstractDatedList.equals(D at, DatedObject<D> obj, D objAt)
 boolean AbstractDatedMap.equals(D at, DatedObject<D> obj, D objAt)
          Indicates if this dated object at at is equal to obj at objAt.
 boolean AbstractDatedObject.equals(D at, DatedObject<D> obj, D objAt)
          Indicates if this dated object at at is equal to obj at objAt.
 boolean AbstractDatedSet.equals(D date, DatedObject<D> obj, D objDate)
          Indicates if this dated object at at is equal to obj at objAt.
 boolean AbstractDatedValue.equals(D at, DatedObject<D> obj, D objAt)
          Indicates if this dated object at at is equal to obj at objAt.
 boolean DatedList.equals(D at, DatedObject<D> obj, D objAt)
 boolean DatedMap.equals(D at, DatedObject<D> obj, D objAt)
          Indicates if this dated map at at is equal to obj at objDate.
 boolean DatedObject.equals(D at, DatedObject<D> obj, D objAt)
          Indicates if this dated object at at is equal to obj at objAt.
 boolean DatedSet.equals(D at, DatedObject<D> obj, D objAt)
          Indicates if this dated set at date is equal to obj at objDate.
 boolean DatedValue.equals(D at, DatedObject<D> obj, D objAt)
 void DatedCollections.Action.perform(DatedObject<D> datedObject, D from, D to)
          Carries out an action on the specified dated object during the specified static date range.
<D> void
DatedCollections.queryAtDates(DatedObject<D> datedObject, D from, D to, DatedCollections.Action<D> action)
          Performs the specified non-destructive action on the specified dated object within the specified date range.
<D> DatedObject<D>
DatedCollections.synchronizedDatedObject(DatedObject<D> datedObject)
          Returns a synchronized, or thread-safe, view of a dated object.

Side of Software
Dated Collections Library 2.0

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