Side of Software
Dated Collections Library 2.0

Uses of Interface

Uses of DatedMap in sos.dated.util

Subinterfaces of DatedMap in sos.dated.util
 interface DatedSortedMap<K,V,D>
          A dated map whose keys are ordered.

Classes in sos.dated.util that implement DatedMap
 class AbstractDatedMap<K,V,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated map.
 class AbstractMapByDate<K,V,D>
          A partial implementation of DatedMap that maintains a complete, non-dated map at each date where a change occurs.
 class HashMapByDate<K,V,D>
          An implementation of DatedMap that maintains a java.util.HashMap at each date where a change occurs, yielding fast date iterations and fast retrievals.
 class HashMapByKey<K,V,D>
          An implementation of DatedMap that indexes its keys with a java.util.HashMap, yielding fast insertions and removals.
 class IdentityHashMapByDate<K,V,D>
          A special-purpose, non-conforming implementation of DatedMap that uses identity equality and identity hash code by maintaining a java.util.IdentityHashMap at each date.
 class IdentityHashMapByKey<K,V,D>
          A special-purpose, non-conforming implementation of DatedMap that uses identity equality and identity hash code.
 class LinkedHashMapByDate<K,V,D>
          An implementation of DatedMap that maintains a java.util.LinkedHashMap at each date where a change occurs, yielding fast date iterations, fast retrievals, and predictable entry iterations.
 class TreeMapByDate<K,V,D>
          An implementation of DatedSortedMap that maintains a java.util.TreeMap at each date where a change occurs, yielding fast date iterations and logarithmic retrievals.
 class TreeMapByKey<K,V,D>
          An implementation of DatedSortedMap that uses an underlying TreeMap to keep all keys in sorted order and to achieve fast access to all keys.

Fields in sos.dated.util declared as DatedMap
static DatedMap DatedCollections.EMPTY_DATED_MAP
          An empty and immutable dated map.

Methods in sos.dated.util that return DatedMap
<K,V,D> DatedMap<K,V,D>
Adapters.asDatedMap(java.util.Map<K,V> map, D from, D to)
          Treats a non-dated map as a dated map between the specified dates.
<K,V,D> DatedMap<K,V,D>
DatedCollections.checkedDatedMap(DatedMap<K,V,D> datedMap, java.lang.Class<K> keyType, java.lang.Class<V> valueType)
          Wraps a dated map with one that requires keys and values to be of a given type.
<K,V,D> DatedMap<K,V,D>
          Returns the empty dated map in a type-safe fashion.
<K,V,D> DatedMap<K,V,D>
DatedCollections.singletonDatedMap(K key, V value, D from, D to)
          Returns an unmodifiable dated map containing only the mapping of key to value during the specified date range.
<K,V,D> DatedMap<K,V,D>
DatedCollections.synchronizedDatedMap(DatedMap<K,V,D> datedMap)
          Returns a synchronized, or thread-safe, view of a dated map.
<K,V,D> DatedMap<K,V,D>
DatedCollections.unmodifiableDatedMap(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of a dated map.

Methods in sos.dated.util with parameters of type DatedMap
<K,V,D> java.util.Map<K,V>
Adapters.asMap(DatedMap<K,V,D> datedMap, D at)
          Returns an unmodifiable non-dated version of the specified dated map at the specified date.
<K,V,D> java.util.Map<K,V>
Adapters.asMap(DatedMap<K,V,D> datedMap, D from, D to)
          Returns a modifiable non-dated version of the specified dated map for the specified date range.
<K,V,D> DatedMap<K,V,D>
DatedCollections.checkedDatedMap(DatedMap<K,V,D> datedMap, java.lang.Class<K> keyType, java.lang.Class<V> valueType)
          Wraps a dated map with one that requires keys and values to be of a given type.
 void AbstractDatedMap.putAll(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
          Places all mappings in datedMap into this dated map (optional operation).
 void AbstractMapByDate.putAll(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
 void DatedMap.putAll(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
          Places all mappings in datedMap into this dated map (optional operation).
<K,V,D> DatedMap<K,V,D>
DatedCollections.synchronizedDatedMap(DatedMap<K,V,D> datedMap)
          Returns a synchronized, or thread-safe, view of a dated map.
<K,V,D> DatedMap<K,V,D>
DatedCollections.unmodifiableDatedMap(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of a dated map.

Constructors in sos.dated.util with parameters of type DatedMap
HashMapByDate(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
          Constructs an instance of HashMapByDate initialized with the mappings of datedMap.
HashMapByKey(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
          Creates a new instance of HashMapByKey from the specified dated map.
IdentityHashMapByDate(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
          Constructs a new instance of IdentityHashMapByDate initialized with the mappings of datedMap.
IdentityHashMapByKey(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
          Creates an IdentityHashMapByKey initialized with the entries of the specified dated map.
LinkedHashMapByDate(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
          Constructs an insertion-order LinkedHashMapByDate initialized with the mappings of datedMap.
TreeMapByDate(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
          Constructs a TreeMapByDate that uses the natural ordering of keys and initially contains the mappings of datedMap.
TreeMapByKey(DatedMap<? extends K,? extends V,D> datedMap)
          Creates a TreeMapByKey containing the entries and date ranges of the specified dated map, sorted by the keys' natural ordering.

Side of Software
Dated Collections Library 2.0

Copyright 2003-09 Side of Software (SOS). All rights reserved.