Side of Software
Dated Collections Library 2.0

Uses of Interface

Uses of DatedList in sos.dated.util

Classes in sos.dated.util that implement DatedList
 class AbstractDatedList<E,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated list.
 class AbstractSequentialDatedList<E,D>
          A partial implementation of a dated list that does not provide random access to its elements at a given date.
 class ArrayListByDate<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedList that can efficiently iterate through the list of elements at a given date by maintaining a java.util.ArrayList at each date.
 class ArrayListByElement<E,D>
          An implementation of DatedList that uses a single java.util.ArrayList to efficiently add and set values.

Fields in sos.dated.util declared as DatedList
static DatedList DatedCollections.EMPTY_DATED_LIST
          An empty and immutable dated list.

Methods in sos.dated.util that return DatedList
<E,D> DatedList<E,D>
Adapters.asDatedList(java.util.List<E> list, D from, D to)
          Returns an unmodifiable dated view of a list.
<E,D> DatedList<E,D>
DatedCollections.checkedDatedList(DatedList<E,D> datedList, java.lang.Class<E> type)
          Wraps a dated list with one that requires elements to be of a given type.
<E,D> DatedList<E,D>
          Returns the empty dated list in a type-safe fashion.
<E,D> DatedList<E,D>
DatedCollections.nCopies(int n, E o, D from, D to)
          Returns an unmodifiable dated list containing exactly n copies of the specified object during the specified date range.
<E,D> DatedList<E,D>
DatedCollections.singletonDatedList(E o, D from, D to)
          Returns an unmodifiable dated list containing only the specified object during the specified date range.
 DatedList<E,D> AbstractDatedList.subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
          Returns a view of this dated list restricted to the range fromIndex, inclusive, to toIndex, exclusive.
 DatedList<E,D> DatedList.subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
          Returns a view of this dated list restricted to the range fromIndex, inclusive, to toIndex, exclusive.
<E,D> DatedList<E,D>
DatedCollections.synchronizedDatedList(DatedList<E,D> datedList)
          Returns a synchronized, or thread-safe, view of a dated list.
<E,D> DatedList<E,D>
DatedCollections.unmodifiableDatedList(DatedList<? extends E,D> datedList)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of a dated list.

Methods in sos.dated.util with parameters of type DatedList
<E,D> java.util.List<E>
Adapters.asList(DatedList<E,D> datedList, D at)
          Returns an unmodifiable non-dated version of the specified dated list at the specified date.
<E,D> java.util.List<E>
Adapters.asList(DatedList<E,D> datedList, D from, D to)
          Returns a modifiable non-dated version of the specified dated list for the specified date range.
<E,D> int
DatedCollections.binarySearch(DatedList<? extends java.lang.Comparable<? super E>,D> datedList, E key, D at)
          Searches for the specified key in the specified ordered list at the specified date, returning the index of the key or the index of where the key would be inserted times negative one minus one.
<E,D> int
DatedCollections.binarySearch(DatedList<? extends E,D> datedList, E key, java.util.Comparator<? super E> comparator, D at)
          Searches for the specified key in the specified ordered list at the specified date, using the specified comparator, and returning the index of the key or the index of where the key would be inserted times negative one minus one.
<E,D> DatedList<E,D>
DatedCollections.checkedDatedList(DatedList<E,D> datedList, java.lang.Class<E> type)
          Wraps a dated list with one that requires elements to be of a given type.
<E,D> void
DatedCollections.copy(DatedList<? super E,D> datedList, java.util.List<? extends E> src, D from, D to)
          Copies the elements of src into datedList for the specified date range.
<E,D> void
DatedCollections.fill(DatedList<? super E,D> datedList, E obj, D from, D to)
          Replaces all elements of the specified dated list with the specified object for the specified date range.
<D> int
DatedCollections.indexOfSubList(DatedList<?,D> datedList, java.util.List<?> target, D at)
          Returns the index of the first occurrence of target in the specified dated list at the specified date, or -1 if it never occurs.
<D> int
DatedCollections.lastIndexOfSubList(DatedList<?,D> datedList, java.util.List<?> target, D at)
          Returns the index of the last occurrence of target in the specified dated list at the specified date, or -1 if it never occurs.
<E,D> Dates<D>
DatedCollections.replaceAll(DatedList<E,D> datedList, E oldVal, E newVal, D from, D to)
          Replaces all occurrences of oldVal with newVal in the specified list throughout the specified date range.
<E,D> void
DatedCollections.reverse(DatedList<E,D> datedList, D from, D to)
          Reverses the elements of the specified dated list in the specified date range.
<E,D> void
DatedCollections.rotate(DatedList<E,D> datedList, int distance, D from, D to)
          Shifts the elements of the specified dated list in the specified date range the specified distance.
<E,D> void
DatedCollections.shuffle(DatedList<E,D> datedList, D from, D to)
          Randomly rearranges the elements of the specified dated list in the specified date range The routine uses an internal random number generator.
<E,D> void
DatedCollections.shuffle(DatedList<E,D> datedList, java.util.Random rnd, D from, D to)
          Randomly rearranges the elements of the specified dated list in the specified date range, using the specified random number generator.
<E,D> void
DatedCollections.sort(DatedList<E,D> datedList, java.util.Comparator<? super E> comparator, D from, D to)
          Sorts the elements of the specified dated list in the specified date range in ascending order, using the specified comparator.
<E,D> void
DatedCollections.sort(DatedList<E,D> datedList, D from, D to)
          Sorts the elements of the specified dated list in the specified date range in ascending order.
<D> void
DatedCollections.swap(DatedList<?,D> datedList, int i, int j, D from, D to)
          Exchanges the elements at indices i and j in the specified list at the specified date.
<E,D> DatedList<E,D>
DatedCollections.synchronizedDatedList(DatedList<E,D> datedList)
          Returns a synchronized, or thread-safe, view of a dated list.
<E,D> DatedList<E,D>
DatedCollections.unmodifiableDatedList(DatedList<? extends E,D> datedList)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of a dated list.

Side of Software
Dated Collections Library 2.0

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