
 * TutorialExample3.java
 * Copyright (C) 2004-05 Side of Software (SOS)
 * All rights reserved.
 *    http://www.sideofsoftware.com
 *    info@sideofsoftware.com

package sos.examples;

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import sos.reports.*;
import sos.reports.Element; // takes precedence over javax.swing.text.Element

 * A sample application that displays a formatted, selectable, and editable report.<p>
 * @author  Side of Software
public class TutorialExample3
  public static void main(String[] args)
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() {
      public void run()
        Object[][] data = new Object[][] {
          { "Family", "1850 Census", "1860 Census", "1870 Census", "Notes" },
          { "Smith", Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE, "" },
          { "Johnson", Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, "In 1860 spelled Johnssen" },
          { "Russell", Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, "" },
          { "Grant", Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE, "Not found in Springfield" },
          { "Baker", Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE, "" },

        // create the table format
        DefaultTableFormat defaultTableFormat = new DefaultTableFormat();
        // the table's attributes
        MutableAttributeSet tableAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        ReportStyleConstants.setHorizontalGridThickness( tableAttributes, 1.0 );
        ReportStyleConstants.setVerticalGridThickness( tableAttributes, 1.0 );
        StyleConstants.setFontFamily( tableAttributes, "San Serif" );
        ReportStyleConstants.setBorderThickness( tableAttributes, 1.0 );
        ReportStyleConstants.setWrapped( tableAttributes, false );
        defaultTableFormat.setTableAttributes( tableAttributes );
        // use a checkbox renderer for columns 2, 3, and 4
        MutableAttributeSet bodyAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        ReportStyleConstants.setRenderer( bodyAttributes, new CheckBoxElementRenderer() );
        defaultTableFormat.setColumnCellAttributes( bodyAttributes, 1, DefaultTableFormat.BODY );
        defaultTableFormat.setColumnCellAttributes( bodyAttributes, 2, DefaultTableFormat.BODY );
        defaultTableFormat.setColumnCellAttributes( bodyAttributes, 3, DefaultTableFormat.BODY );
        // do not let a row or column be wider than its preferred size
        MutableAttributeSet tierAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        ReportStyleConstants.setFillProportion( tierAttributes, 0 );
        defaultTableFormat.setTierAttributes( tierAttributes );
        // the last column can wrap and should take up any extra space
        MutableAttributeSet lastColumnAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        ReportStyleConstants.setWrapped( lastColumnAttributes, true );
        ReportStyleConstants.setFillProportion( lastColumnAttributes, 1 );
        defaultTableFormat.setColumnAttributes( lastColumnAttributes, -1 );
        // text in the header row and column is bold
        MutableAttributeSet headerAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        StyleConstants.setBold( headerAttributes, true );

        // the header row is yellow
        MutableAttributeSet headerRowAttributes = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        headerRowAttributes.setResolveParent( headerAttributes );
        ReportStyleConstants.setBackgroundFill( headerRowAttributes, Fill.YELLOW );
        defaultTableFormat.setRowAttributes( headerRowAttributes, DefaultTableFormat.HEADER );
        defaultTableFormat.setColumnAttributes( headerAttributes, DefaultTableFormat.HEADER );

        StyleContext styleContext = new StyleContext();
        Style tableStyle = styleContext.addStyle( "Table", null );
        ReportStyleConstants.setTableFormat( tableStyle, defaultTableFormat );
        Theme theme = new DefaultTheme( "Default Table Report Template Theme", styleContext );
        TableReportTemplate template = new TableReportTemplate( "Census Template", 1, 1, 0, 0 );
        Report report = template.createReport( data, theme );

        JReportPane reportPane = new JReportPane( report );

        // allow cells to be selected
        ReportSelectionModel cellSelectionModel = new CellReportSelectionModel();
        ReportSelectionModel rowSelectionModel = new TierReportSelectionModel( TableElement.ROW );
        CompositeReportSelectionModel selectionModel = new CompositeReportSelectionModel();
        selectionModel.addSelectionModel( cellSelectionModel );
        selectionModel.addSelectionModel( rowSelectionModel );
        reportPane.setSelectionModel( selectionModel );

        // cells with checkboxes can be clicked
        JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox();
        checkBox.setOpaque( false );
        checkBox.setHorizontalAlignment( SwingConstants.CENTER );
        ElementEditor checkBoxEditor = new DefaultElementEditor( checkBox );
        // the notes cells can be edited
        JTextField textField = new JTextField();
        ElementEditor textFieldEditor = new DefaultElementEditor( textField );
        // the editor to use depends on the column
        TierReportEditorModel editorModel = new TierReportEditorModel( TableElement.COLUMN );
        editorModel.setTierEditor( 1, checkBoxEditor );
        editorModel.setTierEditor( 2, checkBoxEditor );
        editorModel.setTierEditor( 3, checkBoxEditor );
        editorModel.setTierEditor( 4, textFieldEditor );
        // allow cells to be edited
        reportPane.setEditorModel( editorModel );
        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( reportPane );
        JFrame frame = new JFrame( "Census Report" );
        frame.getContentPane().add( scrollPane );
        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        frame.setSize( 500, 300 );
    } );
   * An element renderer that displays Boolean values with
   * a check box.
  static class CheckBoxElementRenderer implements ElementRenderer
    // if the value is null, we'll use a blank label; otherwise, we'll
    // use a checkbox
    static final private Component BLANK = new JLabel();
    private JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox();

    public CheckBoxElementRenderer()
      checkBox.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
      checkBox.setOpaque( false );

    public Component getElementRendererComponent(JReportPane reportPane, Element element)
      Boolean object = (Boolean)element.getObject();

      // don't use a checkbox if null
      if( object == null )
        return BLANK;

      // initialize the checkbox appropriately
      boolean selected = object != null && object.booleanValue();
      checkBox.setSelected( selected );
      return checkBox;