Side of Software
Print Preview Library 1.8.1


AccessiblePrintPreviewRole - class sos.preview.AccessiblePrintPreviewRole.
An extension of javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole that defines roles for print preview panes and pages.
AccessiblePrintPreviewRole(String) - Constructor for class sos.preview.AccessiblePrintPreviewRole
Creates a new AccessiblePrintPreviewRole given the locale-independent key.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.FirstPageAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.LastPageAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.NextPageAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PageSetupAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PreviousPageAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PrintAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PrintAllAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomInAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomInToggleAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomOutAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomOutToggleAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomToggleAction
addAccessibleSelection(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
Adds the specified Accessible child of the object to the object's selection.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
If the layout manager uses a per-component string, adds the specified component to the layout, associating it with the specified name.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
If the layout manager uses a per-component string, adds the specified component to the layout, associating it with the specified name.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
If the layout manager uses a per-component string, adds the specified component to the layout, associating it with the specified name.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
If the layout manager uses a per-component string, adds the specified component to the layout, associating it with the specified name.
ALWAYS_CACHE_VALUE - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
A possible value for the look-and-feel key CACHING_POLICY_KEY that always caches the image of the page.


BACKGROUND_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the background color.
BACKGROUND_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
The look-and-feel key for the background color.
BasicPrintPreviewPageUI - class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI.
A basic implementation of the print preview page look and feel.
BasicPrintPreviewPageUI() - Constructor for class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
Creates a new instance of BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI - class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI.
A basic implementation of the print preview pane look and feel.
BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI() - Constructor for class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Creates a new instance of BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
BORDER_THICKNESS_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
The look-and-feel key for the border thickness.
BOTTOM_MARGIN - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the bottom margin.


CACHING_POLICY_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
The look-and-feel key for the use of a cache.
CachingPageable - class sos.preview.CachingPageable.
A java.awt.print.Pageable wrapper that caches page images rendered at 100%.
CachingPageable(Pageable) - Constructor for class sos.preview.CachingPageable
Creates a new instance of CachingPageable
CachingPageable(Pageable, boolean) - Constructor for class sos.preview.CachingPageable
centerPage(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Centers the page given by pageIndex the best it can.
clearAccessibleSelection() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
Clears the selection in the object, so that no children in the object are selected.
ComponentPageable - class sos.preview.ComponentPageable.
A Pageable object that breaks an arbitrary Swing component into pages for previewing and printing.
ComponentPageable(JComponent, PageFormat) - Constructor for class sos.preview.ComponentPageable
Creates an instance of ComponentPageable with the specified component and page format.
createButton(Action) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns a freshly created button for the specified action.
createDefaultZoomFunction() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Creates and returns a default zoom function.
createFirstPageAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that displays the first print preview page.
createFitAllLayout(JPrintPreviewPane) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewPaneUI
Creates and returns a layout scheme that scales all pages such that they fit in the specified print preview pane's viewport.
createFitAllLayout(JPrintPreviewPane) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
createFitLayout(JPrintPreviewPane) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewPaneUI
Creates and returns a layout scheme that scales all pages such that one dimension of the largest page fits in the specified print preview pane's viewport.
createFitLayout(JPrintPreviewPane) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
createLastPageAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that displays the last print preview page.
createMatrixLayout(JPrintPreviewPane, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewPaneUI
Creates and returns a layout scheme that arranges pages into rows and columns that fit the bounds of the specified print preview pane's parent.
createMatrixLayout(JPrintPreviewPane, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
createNavigationPanel(Pageable, boolean, Action, boolean) - Static method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns a component with a print preview pane and a toolbar that allows the user to step through pages one at a time, print the pages, and close print preview.
createNavigationPanel(PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory, boolean, Action, boolean) - Static method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns a component with a print preview pane and a toolbar that allows the user to step through pages one at a time, print the pages, adjust the page setup, and close print preview.
createNextPageAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that displays the next print preview page.
createPageable(PageFormat) - Method in interface sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory
Creates and returns a Pageable object given the specified page format.
createPageComponent(Printable, PageFormat, int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Creates and returns a graphical component for the specified page.
createPageField() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns a formatted text field that mirrors the index of the currently displayed page.
createPageNumberRenderer() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Creates and returns a default page number renderer.
createPageSelectionModel() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Creates and returns a default page selection model.
createPageSetupAction(PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that changes the page format.
createPreviousPageAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that displays the previous print preview page.
createPrintAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that brings up the print dialog and prints the print preview pages.
createPrintAllAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that prints the print preview pages without bringing up the print dialog.
createPropertyChangeListener() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Returns a PropertyChangeListener that responds to changes in the print preview pane.
createSelectionCursor() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Returns a cursor that indicates that the print preview pane is in "selection" mode.
createSelectionListener() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Returns an object that listens to page selection changes.
createSelectionMouseInputListener() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Returns a mouse listener that responds to mouse events when the print preview pane is in "selection" mode.
createToggleButton(Action) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns a toggle button with the specified action.
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Returns an instance of the UI delegate for the specified component.
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
Returns an instance of the UI delegate for the specified component.
createZoomComboBox(boolean, boolean) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns a combobox that allows the user to change the page layout.
createZoomCursor() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Returns a cursor that indicates that the print preview pane is in "zoom" mode.
createZoomInAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that zooms in on the print preview pages.
createZoomInCursor() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Returns a cursor that indicates that the print preview pane is in "zoom in" mode.
createZoomInMouseInputListener() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Returns a mouse listener that responds to mouse events when the print preview pane is in "zoom in" mode.
createZoomInToggleAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that switches between zoom-in mode and selection mode.
createZoomLayout(JPrintPreviewPane, double) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewPaneUI
Creates and returns a layout scheme (appropriate for the specified print preview pane) that scales pages a fixed amount.
createZoomLayout(JPrintPreviewPane, double) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
createZoomMouseInputListener() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Returns a mouse listener that responds to mouse events when the print preview pane is in "zoom" mode.
createZoomOutAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that zooms out on the print preview pages.
createZoomOutCursor() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Returns a cursor that indicates that the print preview pane is in "zoom out" mode.
createZoomOutMouseInputListener() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Returns a mouse listener that responds to mouse events when the print preview pane is in "zoom out" mode.
createZoomOutToggleAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that switches between zoom-out mode and selection mode.
createZoomPanel(Pageable, boolean, int, Action, boolean) - Static method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns a component with a print preview pane and a toolbar that allows the user to zoom in and out of the pages, print the pages, and close print preview.
createZoomPanel(PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory, boolean, int, Action, boolean) - Static method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns a component with a print preview pane and a toolbar that allows the user to zoom in and out of the pages, print the pages, adjust the page setup, and close print preview.
createZoomToggleAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates and returns an action that switches between zoom mode and selection mode.


DefaultPageNumberRenderer - class sos.preview.DefaultPageNumberRenderer.
A page number renderer that centers page numbers with a JLabel initialized with the font and colors of the JPrintPreviewPane.
DefaultPageNumberRenderer() - Constructor for class sos.preview.DefaultPageNumberRenderer
Creates a new instance of DefaultPageNumberRenderer.
DefaultZoomFunction - class sos.preview.DefaultZoomFunction.
A default implementation of ZoomFunction that has a constant zoom "jump," a minimum zoom, and a maximum zoom.
DefaultZoomFunction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.DefaultZoomFunction
Creates a DefaultZoomFunction with a jump of 0.25, minimum scale of 0.01, and maximum scale of Double.MAX_VALUE.
DefaultZoomFunction(double) - Constructor for class sos.preview.DefaultZoomFunction
Creates a DefaultZoomFunction with the specified jump, a minimum scale of 0.01, and a maximum scale of Double.MAX_VALUE.
DefaultZoomFunction(double, double) - Constructor for class sos.preview.DefaultZoomFunction
Creates a DefaultZoomFunction with the specified jump, the specified minimum scale, and a maximum scale of Double.MAX_VALUE.
DefaultZoomFunction(double, double, double) - Constructor for class sos.preview.DefaultZoomFunction
Creates a DefaultZoomFunction with the specified jump, minimum scale, and maximum scale.
doAccessibleAction(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
Performs the specified Action on the object
doLayout() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Causes this container to lay out its components.


ensurePageIsVisible(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Scrolls this print preview pane as necessary to ensure that a portion of the specified page is visible.
equals(Object) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.


fit(boolean) - Method in class sos.preview.ComponentPageable
Scales the component so that it fits the page.
FitAllLayout - class sos.preview.FitAllLayout.
A layout scheme that scales all components such that they fit in the bounds of their container's parent.
FitAllLayout() - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
Creates a default FitAllLayout.
FitAllLayout(int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
Creates a FitAllLayout with the specified horizontal and vertical alignment for components.
FitAllLayout(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
Creates a FitAllLayout with the specified component spacing and minimum margins.
FitAllLayout(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
Creates a fully specified FitAllLayout.
FitAllLayoutFormat - class sos.preview.FitAllLayoutFormat.
A class that formats and parses instances of FitAllLayout.
FitAllLayoutFormat() - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitAllLayoutFormat
Creates a FitAllLayoutFormat for the default locale.
FitAllLayoutFormat(Locale) - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitAllLayoutFormat
Creates a FitAllLayoutFormat for the specified locale.
fitHeight(boolean) - Method in class sos.preview.ComponentPageable
Scales the component so that it fits the page height.
FitLayout - class sos.preview.FitLayout.
A layout scheme that scales all components such that one dimension of the largest component fits in container's parent.
FitLayout(int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitLayout
Creates a FitLayout along the specified axis and with default alignments and spacing.
FitLayout(int, int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitLayout
Creates a FitLayout along the specified axis, with the specified alignments, and with default spacing.
FitLayout(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitLayout
Creates a FitLayout along the specified axis, with the specified spacing, and with default alignments.
FitLayout(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitLayout
Creates a FitLayout along the specified axis and with the specified alignments and spacing.
FitLayoutFormat - class sos.preview.FitLayoutFormat.
A class that formats and parses instances of FitLayout.
FitLayoutFormat() - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitLayoutFormat
Creates a FitLayoutFormat for the default locale.
FitLayoutFormat(Locale) - Constructor for class sos.preview.FitLayoutFormat
Creates a FitLayoutFormat for the specified locale.
fitWidth(boolean) - Method in class sos.preview.ComponentPageable
Scales the component so that it fits the page width.
FOREGROUND_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the foreground color.
FOREGROUND_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
The look-and-feel key for the foreground color.
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayoutFormat
Formats an object and appends the resulting text to a given string buffer.
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayoutFormat
Formats an object and appends the resulting text to a given string buffer.
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayoutFormat
Formats an object and appends the resulting text to a given string buffer.
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayoutFormat
Formats an object and appends the resulting text to a given string buffer.


getAccessibleAction() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
getAccessibleActionCount() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
Returns the number of accessible actions available in this object If there are more than one, the first one is considered the "default" action of the object.
getAccessibleActionDescription(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
Returns a description of the specified action of the object.
getAccessibleContext() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Gets the AccessibleContext associated with this JPrintPreviewPane.
getAccessibleContext() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
Gets the AccessibleContext associated with this JPrintPreviewPage.
getAccessibleRole() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
getAccessibleRole() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPage
getAccessibleSelection() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
getAccessibleSelection(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
Returns an Accessible representing the specified selected child of the object.
getAccessibleSelectionCount() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
Returns the number of Accessible children currently selected.
getAccessibleStateSet() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPage
getAvailableLocales() - Static method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayoutFormat
Returns the set of locales for which ZoomLayoutFormats are installed.
getAvailableLocales() - Static method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayoutFormat
Returns the set of locales for which MatrixLayoutFormats are installed.
getAvailableLocales() - Static method in class sos.preview.FitLayoutFormat
Returns the set of locales for which FitLayoutFormats are installed.
getAvailableLocales() - Static method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayoutFormat
Returns the set of locales for which FitAllLayoutFormats are installed.
getAxis() - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
Returns the axis that this layout fits in the container.
getCloseButton(Action) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that closes print preview.
getCloseMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that closes print preview.
getCloseText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that closes print preview.
getCloseToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that closes print preview.
getColumnCount() - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Returns the number of columns per visible area.
getFirstPageAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that displays the first print preview page.
getFirstPageButton() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that displays the first print preview page.
getFirstPageIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that displays the first print preview page.
getFirstPageMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that displays the first print preview page.
getFirstPageText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that displays the first print preview page.
getFirstPageToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that displays the first print preview page.
getFixedHeight() - Method in interface sos.preview.Scaleable
Returns the height of the fixed portion of this object.
getFixedHeight() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
getFixedHeight(JPrintPreviewPage) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewPageUI
Returns the height of the fixed portion of the specified page.
getFixedHeight(JPrintPreviewPage) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
getFixedWidth() - Method in interface sos.preview.Scaleable
Returns the width of the fixed portion of this object.
getFixedWidth() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
getFixedWidth(JPrintPreviewPage) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewPageUI
Returns the width of the fixed portion of the specified page.
getFixedWidth(JPrintPreviewPage) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
getInstance() - Static method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayoutFormat
Returns the default ZoomLayoutFormat for the default locale.
getInstance() - Static method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayoutFormat
Returns the default MatrixLayoutFormat for the default locale.
getInstance() - Static method in class sos.preview.FitLayoutFormat
Returns the default FitLayoutFormat for the default locale.
getInstance() - Static method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayoutFormat
Returns the default FitAllLayoutFormat for the default locale.
getInstance(Locale) - Static method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayoutFormat
Returns the default ZoomLayoutFormat for the specified locale.
getInstance(Locale) - Static method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayoutFormat
Returns the default MatrixLayoutFormat for the specified locale.
getInstance(Locale) - Static method in class sos.preview.FitLayoutFormat
Returns the default FitLayoutFormat for the specified locale.
getInstance(Locale) - Static method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayoutFormat
Returns the default FitAllLayoutFormat for the specified locale.
getJPrintPreviewPane() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
Returns the print preview pane for which this page is associated.
getLargeIconsAreUsed() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns true if this PrintPreviewSupport uses large icons in the print preview toolbar.
getLastPageAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that displays the last print preview page.
getLastPageButton() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that displays the last print preview page.
getLastPageIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that displays the last print preview page.
getLastPageMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that displays the last print preview page.
getLastPageText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that displays the last print preview page.
getLastPageToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that displays the last print preview page.
getMarginsAreShown() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns true if this object should display page margins.
getMode() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Return this print preview pane's mode--either ZOOM_MODE, ZOOM_IN_MODE, ZOOM_OUT_MODE, or SELECTION_MODE.
getNextPageAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that displays the next print preview page.
getNextPageButton() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that displays the next print preview page.
getNextPageIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that displays the next print preview page.
getNextPageMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that displays the next print preview page.
getNextPageText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that displays the next print preview page.
getNextPageToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that displays the next print preview page.
getNumberOfPages() - Method in class sos.preview.PageableAdapter
Returns the number of pages in the set.
getNumberOfPages() - Method in class sos.preview.ComponentPageable
Returns the number of pages.
getNumberOfPages() - Method in class sos.preview.CachingPageable
Returns the number of pages in the set.
getPageable() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the pages displayed by this print preview pane.
getPageComponent(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the component that is used to render the specified page.
getPageField() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the formatted text field that diplays and changes the current page.
getPageFieldToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the page field.
getPageFormat() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
Returns the page format of this page.
getPageFormat(int) - Method in class sos.preview.PageableAdapter
Returns the PageFormat of the page specified by pageIndex.
getPageFormat(int) - Method in class sos.preview.ComponentPageable
Returns the PageFormat of the page specified by pageIndex.
getPageFormat(int) - Method in class sos.preview.CachingPageable
Returns the PageFormat of the page specified by pageIndex.
getPageIndex() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
Returns the index of this page with respect to all pages in the print preview pane.
getPageIndexAt(int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the index of the page that lies at the specified point, or -1 if no such page exists.
getPageIndexAt(Point) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the index of the page that lies at the specified point, or -1 if no such page exists.
getPageNumberRenderer() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the object that knows how to render the page numbers, or null if no such object exists.
getPageNumberRendererComponent(JPrintPreviewPane, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface sos.preview.PageNumberRenderer
Returns a graphical component that can render the page number within the specified print preview pane.
getPageNumberRendererComponent(JPrintPreviewPane, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class sos.preview.DefaultPageNumberRenderer
getPageNumbersAreShown() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns true if this object should display page numbers.
getPageSelectionAllowed() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns true if pages can be selected.
getPageSelectionModel() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the way pages are selected in this print preview pane.
getPageSetupAction(PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that changes the page format using the specified factory.
getPageSetupButton(PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that changes the page format given the specified factory.
getPageSetupIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that changes the page setup.
getPageSetupMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that changes the page setup.
getPageSetupText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that changes the page setup.
getPageSetupToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that changes the page setup.
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the preferred size of the viewport for a view component.
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize(Container) - Method in interface sos.preview.ScrollableLayoutManager
Returns the specified container's preferred scrollable viewport size.
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
getPreferredSize() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns this component's preferred size.
getPreferredSize(JComponent) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
Returns the specified component's preferred size appropriate for the look and feel.
getPreviousPageAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that displays the previous print preview page.
getPreviousPageButton() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that displays the previous print preview page.
getPreviousPageIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that displays the previous print preview page.
getPreviousPageMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that displays the previous print preview page.
getPreviousPageText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that displays the previous print preview page.
getPreviousPageToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that displays the previous print preview page.
getPrintable() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
Returns the object that renders the contents of this page.
getPrintable(int) - Method in class sos.preview.PageableAdapter
Returns the Printable instance responsible for rendering the page specified by pageIndex.
getPrintable(int) - Method in class sos.preview.ComponentPageable
Returns the Printable instance responsible for rendering the page specified by pageIndex.
getPrintable(int) - Method in class sos.preview.CachingPageable
Returns the Printable instance responsible for rendering the page specified by pageIndex.
getPrintAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that prints pages after displaying the print dialog.
getPrintAllAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that prints all pages.
getPrintAllButton() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that prints all pages without showing the print dialog.
getPrintAllIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that prints all print preview pages.
getPrintAllMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that prints all pages.
getPrintAllText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that prints all pages.
getPrintAllToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that prints all pages.
getPrintButton() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that prints pages after displaying the print dialog.
getPrintIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that prints print preview pages after displaying the print dialog.
getPrintMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that prints pages after displaying the print dialog.
getPrintPreviewPane() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the print preview pane associated with this PrintPreviewSupport.
getPrintText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that prints pages after displaying the print dialog.
getPrintToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that prints pages after displaying the print dialog.
getRowCount() - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Returns the number of rows per visible area.
getScale() - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Returns this zoom layout's scale.
getScale() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the amount the pages are being scaled.
getScaleablePreferredSize() - Method in interface sos.preview.Scaleable
Returns the preferred size of the scaleable portion of this object.
getScaleablePreferredSize() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
getScaleablePreferredSize(JPrintPreviewPage) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewPageUI
Returns the preferred size of the scaleable portion of the specified page.
getScaleablePreferredSize(JPrintPreviewPage) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Container, Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Container, Rectangle, int, int) - Method in interface sos.preview.ScrollableLayoutManager
Returns the specified container's scrollable block increment.
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Container, Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Container, Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Container, Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the scrollable block increment.
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns true if a viewport should always force this component's height to match the height of the viewport.
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight(Container) - Method in interface sos.preview.ScrollableLayoutManager
Returns true if a viewport should always force the height of the specified container to match the height of the viewport.
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns true if a viewport should always force this component's width to match the width of the viewport.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth(Container) - Method in interface sos.preview.ScrollableLayoutManager
Returns true if a viewport should always force the width of the specified container to match the width of the viewport.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Container, Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Container, Rectangle, int, int) - Method in interface sos.preview.ScrollableLayoutManager
Returns the specified container's scrollable unit increment.
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Container, Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Container, Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Container, Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the scrollable unit increment.
getSelectedPageIndex() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the index of the first selected page, or -1 if no selection exists.
getSelectionBackground() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the selection background color.
getSelectionForeground() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the selection foreground color.
getSpecialLayouts() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns a list of java.awt.LayoutManagers that arrange print preview pages in a "special" way and should be included in the zoom combobox.
getUI() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the look and feel delegate that renders this object.
getUI() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
Returns the look and feel delegate that renders this object.
getUIClassID() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the UIDefaults key used to look up the name of the swing.plaf.ComponentUI class that defines the look and feel for this component.
getUIClassID() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
Returns the UIDefaults key used to look up the name of the swing.plaf.ComponentUI class that defines the look and feel for this component.
getZoomComboBox(boolean, boolean) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the combobox that allows the user to change the page layouts.
getZoomComboBoxToolTipText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the combobox that controls the page layout.
getZoomFunction() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns the object that controls the amount of zooming.
getZoomInAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that zooms in.
getZoomInButton() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that zooms in when clicked.
getZoomInIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that zooms in.
getZoomInMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that zooms in.
getZoomInText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that zooms in.
getZoomInToggleAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that toggles between zoom-in mode and selection mode.
getZoomInToggleButton() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that toggles between zoom-in mode and selection mode.
getZoomInToggleIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that toggles between zoom-in mode and selection mode.
getZoomInToggleMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that toggles between zoom-in mode and selection mode.
getZoomInToggleText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that toggles between zoom-in mode and selection mode.
getZoomInToggleToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that toggles between zoom-in mode and selection mode.
getZoomInToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that zooms in.
getZoomLayouts() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns a list of java.awt.LayoutManagers that zoom the print preview pages and should be included in the zoom combobox.
getZoomOutAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that zooms out.
getZoomOutButton() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that zooms out when clicked.
getZoomOutIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that zooms out.
getZoomOutMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that zooms out.
getZoomOutText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that zooms out.
getZoomOutToggleAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that toggles between zoom-out mode and selection mode.
getZoomOutToggleButton() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that toggles between zoom-out mode and selection mode.
getZoomOutToggleIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that toggles between zoom-out mode and selection mode.
getZoomOutToggleMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that toggles between zoom-out mode and selection mode.
getZoomOutToggleText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that toggles between zoom-out mode and selection mode.
getZoomOutToggleToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that toggles between zoom-out mode and selection mode.
getZoomOutToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that zooms out.
getZoomToggleAction() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the action that toggles between zoom mode and selection mode.
getZoomToggleButton() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the button that toggles between zoom mode and selection mode.
getZoomToggleIcon() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the icon associated with the action that toggles between zoom mode and selection mode.
getZoomToggleMnemonic() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the mnemonic associated with the action that toggles between zoom mode and selection mode.
getZoomToggleText() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the text associated with the action that toggles between zoom mode and selection mode.
getZoomToggleToolTip() - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Returns the description associated with the action that toggles between zoom mode and selection mode.


handlePrinterException(PrinterException) - Method in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Responds to a printing error.
hashCode() - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
Returns a hash code value for the object.
HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the horizontal alignment of print preview pages.
HORIZONTAL_SPACING - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the horizontal space between print preview pages.


installDefaults() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Installs the default colors of the print preview pane.
installDefaults() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
Installs the default colors and lines of the print preview page.
installListeners() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Installs the look and feel's listeners into the print preview pane and possibly any of its child pages.
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Configures the specified component appropriate for the look and feel.
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
Configures the specified component appropriate for the look and feel.
isAccessibleChildSelected(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
Determines if the current child of this object is selected.
isPageSelected(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Returns true if the page corresponding to pageIndex is selected.


JPrintPreviewPage - class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage.
A component that represents a page in a print preview pane.
JPrintPreviewPage.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPage - class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPage.
A class that implements accessibility support for a JPrintPreviewPage.
JPrintPreviewPage.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPage() - Constructor for class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPage
JPrintPreviewPage(JPrintPreviewPane, Printable, PageFormat, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
Creates a JPrintPreviewPage for the specified print preview pane, printable page contents, and page format, and page index.
JPrintPreviewPane - class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.
A component that displays printable pages.
JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane - class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane.
A class that implements accessibility support for a JPrintPreviewPane.
JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane() - Constructor for class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
JPrintPreviewPane() - Constructor for class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Creates a JPrintPreviewPane with zero pages.
JPrintPreviewPane(Pageable) - Constructor for class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Creates a JPrintPreviewPane with the specified pages laid out one page at a time.
JPrintPreviewPane(Pageable, LayoutManager) - Constructor for class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Creates a JPrintPreviewPane with the specified pages laid out by the specified layout manager.


LAYOUT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that the a JPrintPreviewPane's layout manager has changed.
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Lays out the specified container.
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Lays out the specified container.
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
Lays out the specified container.
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
Lays out the specified container.
LEFT_MARGIN - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the left margin.


MARGIN_COLOR_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
The look-and-feel key for the margin color.
MARGIN_STROKE_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
The look-and-feel key for the margin stroke.
MARGINS_ARE_SHOWN_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that the a JPrintPreviewPane has changed whether or not it draws margins.
MatrixLayout - class sos.preview.MatrixLayout.
A layout scheme that arranges components into rows and columns that fit the bounds of the container's parent.
MatrixLayout(int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Creates a MatrixLayout with the specified number of rows and columns per viewable area.
MatrixLayout(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Creates a MatrixLayout with the specified number of rows and columns per viewable area and with the specified alignments.
MatrixLayout(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Creates a MatrixLayout with the specified number of rows and columns per viewable area and with the specified spacing.
MatrixLayout(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Creates a MatrixLayout with the specified number of rows and columns per viewable area, the specified alignments, and the specified spacing.
MatrixLayoutFormat - class sos.preview.MatrixLayoutFormat.
A class that formats and parses instances of MatrixLayout.
MatrixLayoutFormat() - Constructor for class sos.preview.MatrixLayoutFormat
Creates a MatrixLayoutFormat for the default locale.
MatrixLayoutFormat(Locale) - Constructor for class sos.preview.MatrixLayoutFormat
Creates a MatrixLayoutFormat for the specified locale.
MEMORY_SENSITIVE_CACHE_VALUE - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
A possible value for the look-and-feel key CACHING_POLICY_KEY that caches a soft reference to the image of the page.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Calculates the minimum size dimensions for the specified container, given the components it contains.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Calculates the minimum size dimensions for the specified container, given the components it contains.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
Calculates the minimum size dimensions for the specified container, given the components it contains.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
Calculates the minimum size dimensions for the specified container, given the components it contains.
MODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that a JPrintPreviewPane's mode has changed.


NEVER_CACHE_VALUE - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
A possible value for the look-and-feel key CACHING_POLICY_KEY that never caches the image of the page.


PAGE_NUMBER_RENDERER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that a JPrintPreviewPane has changed the way it renders page numbers.
PAGE_NUMBERS_ARE_SHOWN_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that a JPrintPreviewPane changed whether or not it displays page numbers.
PAGE_SELECTION_ALLOWED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that a JPrintPreviewPane changed whether or not it allows its pages to be selected.
PAGEABLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that a JPrintPreviewPane's underlying pages have changed.
PageableAdapter - class sos.preview.PageableAdapter.
A class that converts a java.awt.print.Printable object into a java.awt.print.Pageable object.
PageableAdapter(Printable, PageFormat) - Constructor for class sos.preview.PageableAdapter
Creates an instance of PageableAdapter with the specified Printable and PageFormat objects.
PageNumberRenderer - interface sos.preview.PageNumberRenderer.
An interface that returns a component that can render the page numbers within a JPrintPreviewPane.
pageNumberToString(int) - Method in class sos.preview.DefaultPageNumberRenderer
Converts the specified page number to a string.
pageSetup(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Displays the page setup dialog and returns the new page format, or null if the user cancelled the dialog.
paint(Graphics, JComponent) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
Paints the specified component appropriate for the look and feel.
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayoutFormat
Parses text from a string to produce an object.
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayoutFormat
Parses text from a string to produce an object.
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayoutFormat
Parses text from a string to produce an object.
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayoutFormat
Parses text from a string to produce an object.
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified container, given the components it contains.
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified container, given the components it contains.
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified container, given the components it contains.
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified container, given the components it contains.
preferredScale(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
preferredScale(Container) - Method in interface sos.preview.ScalingLayoutManager
Returns the scale of the specified container's components if the container were to get its preferred size.
preferredScale(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
preferredScale(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
preferredScale(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
prepareLabel(JLabel, JPrintPreviewPane, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class sos.preview.DefaultPageNumberRenderer
Prepares a label component before rendering a page number.
PRINT_PREVIEW_PAGE - Static variable in class sos.preview.AccessiblePrintPreviewRole
A page within a print preview pane.
PRINT_PREVIEW_PANE - Static variable in class sos.preview.AccessiblePrintPreviewRole
A print preview pane.
print() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sends pages to the printer by way of the print dialog.
printAll() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sends all pages to the printer without showing the print dialog.
PrintPreviewPageUI - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewPageUI.
The JPrintPreviewPage pluggable look and feel delegate.
PrintPreviewPageUI() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewPageUI
printPreviewPane - Variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The print preview pane that this look and feel is overseeing.
PrintPreviewPaneUI - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewPaneUI.
The JPrintPreviewPane pluggable look and feel delegate.
PrintPreviewPaneUI() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewPaneUI
PrintPreviewSupport - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.
Support for a print preview pane in an application.
PrintPreviewSupport.FirstPageAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.FirstPageAction.
Action that displays the first print preview page.
PrintPreviewSupport.FirstPageAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.FirstPageAction
Creates a FirstPageAction.
PrintPreviewSupport.LastPageAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.LastPageAction.
Action that displays the last print preview page.
PrintPreviewSupport.LastPageAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.LastPageAction
Creates a LastPageAction.
PrintPreviewSupport.NextPageAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.NextPageAction.
Action that displays the next print preview page.
PrintPreviewSupport.NextPageAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.NextPageAction
Creates a NextPageAction.
PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory - interface sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PageableFactory.
A factory that can produce a Pageable object given a page format.
PrintPreviewSupport.PageSetupAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PageSetupAction.
Action that changes the page format.
PrintPreviewSupport.PageSetupAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PageSetupAction
Creates a PageSetupAction.
PrintPreviewSupport.PreviousPageAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PreviousPageAction.
Action that displays the previous print preview page.
PrintPreviewSupport.PreviousPageAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PreviousPageAction
Creates a PreviousPageAction.
PrintPreviewSupport.PrintAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PrintAction.
Action that shows the print dialog and prints the print preview pages.
PrintPreviewSupport.PrintAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PrintAction
Creates a PrintAction.
PrintPreviewSupport.PrintAllAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PrintAllAction.
Action that prints the print preview pages without showing the print dialog.
PrintPreviewSupport.PrintAllAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.PrintAllAction
Creates a PrintAllAction.
PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomInAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomInAction.
Action that zooms in on the print preview pages.
PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomInAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomInAction
Creates a ZoomInAction.
PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomInToggleAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomInToggleAction.
Action that toggles the print preview pane between zoom-in mode and selection mode.
PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomInToggleAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomInToggleAction
Creates a ZoomInToggleAction.
PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomOutAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomOutAction.
Action that zooms out on the print preview pages.
PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomOutAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomOutAction
Creates a ZoomOutAction.
PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomOutToggleAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomOutToggleAction.
Action that toggles the print preview pane between zoom-out mode and selection mode.
PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomOutToggleAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomOutToggleAction
Creates a ZoomOutToggleAction.
PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomToggleAction - class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomToggleAction.
Action that toggles the print preview pane between zoom mode and selection mode.
PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomToggleAction() - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport.ZoomToggleAction
PrintPreviewSupport(JPrintPreviewPane, boolean) - Constructor for class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Creates print preview support for the specified print preview pane.


removeAccessibleSelection(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
Removes the specified child of the object from the object's selection.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Removes the specified component from the layout.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
Removes the specified component from the layout.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
Removes the specified component from the layout.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
Removes the specified component from the layout.
RIGHT_MARGIN - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the right margin.


SCALE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that a JPrintPreviewPane's scale has changed.
Scaleable - interface sos.preview.Scaleable.
An object that has preferences as to how it should be scaled.
scaleComponents(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
scaleComponents(Container) - Method in interface sos.preview.ScalingLayoutManager
Lays out the container's components and returns the scale factor.
scaleComponents(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.MatrixLayout
scaleComponents(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitLayout
scaleComponents(Container) - Method in class sos.preview.FitAllLayout
ScalingLayoutManager - interface sos.preview.ScalingLayoutManager.
A layout manager that scales a container's components equally.
ScrollableLayoutManager - interface sos.preview.ScrollableLayoutManager.
A layout manager that also dictates how the container should scroll.
selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane.AccessibleJPrintPreviewPane
Causes every child of the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections.
SELECTION_BACKGROUND_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the selection background color.
SELECTION_BACKGROUND_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that a JPrintPreviewPane's selection background color has changed.
SELECTION_FOREGROUND_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the selection foreground color.
SELECTION_FOREGROUND_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that a JPrintPreviewPane's selection foreground color has changed.
SELECTION_MODE - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used for setMode that means the print preview pane is prepared to select its pages.
SELECTION_MODEL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that a JPrintPreviewPane's selection model has changed.
setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sets the layout manager for this print preview pane.
setMarginsAreShown(boolean) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sets whether or not the margins are drawn on the print preview pages.
setMode(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sets the print preview mode.
setPageable(Pageable) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sets the pages to be displayed by this print preview pane.
setPageNumberRenderer(PageNumberRenderer) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sets the page number renderer for this print preview pane.
setPageNumbersAreShown(boolean) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sets whether or not this print preview pane should render page numbers.
setPageSelectionAllowed(boolean) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sets whether or not pages in this print preview pane can be selected.
setPageSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Set the page selection model.
setSelectionBackground(Color) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sets the selection background color.
setSelectionForeground(Color) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sets the selection foreground color.
setUI(PrintPreviewPageUI) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
Sets the look and feel delegate for this print preview page.
setUI(PrintPreviewPaneUI) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sets the look and feel delegate for this print preview pane.
setZoomFunction(ZoomFunction) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Sets the zoom function, which is used to determine how much the print preview should zoom.
SHADOW_COLOR_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
The look-and-feel key for the shadow color.
SHADOW_THICKNESS_KEY - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
The look-and-feel key for the shadow thickness.
sos.preview - package sos.preview

Provides classes and interfaces for previewing pages before they are printed.


TOP_MARGIN - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the top margin.


uninstallDefaults() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Uninstalls the defaults installed by installDefaults.
uninstallDefaults() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
Uninstalls the defaults installed by installDefaults.
uninstallListeners() - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Uninstalls the listeners installed by this look and feel object.
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
Reverses configuration which was done on the specified component during installUI.
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPageUI
Reverses configuration which was done on the specified component during installUI.
updateUI() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Resets the UI property with the value from the current look and feel.
updateUI() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPage
Resets the UI property with the value from the current look and feel.


VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the vertical alignment of print preview pages.
VERTICAL_SPACING - Static variable in class sos.preview.BasicPrintPreviewPaneUI
The look-and-feel key for the vertical space between print preview pages.


ZOOM - Static variable in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Constant that indicates the user is always in zoom mode, which allows both zooming in and zooming out.
ZOOM_FUNCTION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used by property change events to signal that a JPrintPreviewPane's zoom function has changed.
ZOOM_IN_MODE - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used for setMode that means the print preview pane is prepared to zoom in.
ZOOM_IN_OUT - Static variable in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Constant that indicates the user can zoom in and out by clicking the appropriate toolbar buttons.
ZOOM_IN_OUT_TOGGLE - Static variable in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Constant that indicates the user can toggle between zoom in mode and zoom out mode.
ZOOM_MODE - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used for setMode that means the print preview pane is prepared to zoom in and out.
ZOOM_OUT_MODE - Static variable in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Constant used for setMode that means the print preview pane is prepared to zoom out.
ZOOM_TOGGLE - Static variable in class sos.preview.PrintPreviewSupport
Constant that indicates the user can toggle between zoom mode and selection mode, where the zoom mode allows both zooming in and zooming out.
zoom(double) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Zooms the pages within this print preview pane to the specified scale.
zoom(double, Point) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Zooms the pages within this print preview pane to the specified scale, centering on the specified point.
ZoomFunction - interface sos.preview.ZoomFunction.
An interface that determines the amount to zoom.
zoomIn() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Zooms in on the pages within this print preview pane.
zoomIn(double) - Method in interface sos.preview.ZoomFunction
Returns the next zoom-in scale, given the current scale.
zoomIn(double) - Method in class sos.preview.DefaultZoomFunction
zoomIn(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Zooms in on the specified page.
zoomIn(Point) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Zooms in on the pages within this print preview pane, centering on the specified point.
ZoomLayout - class sos.preview.ZoomLayout.
A layout scheme that scales components a fixed amount.
ZoomLayout() - Constructor for class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Creates a ZoomLayout with a scale of 1.0 and default alignments and spacing.
ZoomLayout(double) - Constructor for class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Creates a ZoomLayout with the specified scale and with default alignments and spacing.
ZoomLayout(double, int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Creates a ZoomLayout with the specified scale and alignments and with default spacing.
ZoomLayout(double, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Creates a ZoomLayout with the specified scale and specified spacing and with default alignments.
ZoomLayout(double, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sos.preview.ZoomLayout
Creates a ZoomLayout with the specified scale, alignments, and spacing.
ZoomLayoutFormat - class sos.preview.ZoomLayoutFormat.
A class that formats and parses instances of ZoomLayout.
ZoomLayoutFormat() - Constructor for class sos.preview.ZoomLayoutFormat
Creates a ZoomLayoutFormat for the default locale.
ZoomLayoutFormat(Locale) - Constructor for class sos.preview.ZoomLayoutFormat
Creates a ZoomLayoutFormat for the specified locale.
ZoomLayoutFormat(NumberFormat) - Constructor for class sos.preview.ZoomLayoutFormat
Creates a ZoomLayoutFormat with the specified number format.
zoomOut() - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Zooms out on the pages within this print preview pane.
zoomOut(double) - Method in interface sos.preview.ZoomFunction
Returns the next zoom-out scale, given the current scale.
zoomOut(double) - Method in class sos.preview.DefaultZoomFunction
zoomOut(int) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Zooms out on the specified page.
zoomOut(Point) - Method in class sos.preview.JPrintPreviewPane
Zooms out on the pages within this print preview pane, centering on the specified point.

Side of Software
Print Preview Library 1.8.1

Copyright 2003-07 Side of Software (SOS). All rights reserved.