Side of Software
Marker Bar Library 1.0

Uses of Interface

Uses of Marker in sos.marker

Classes in sos.marker that implement Marker
 class DefaultMarker
          A default implementation of the Marker interface that stores the start percentage, end percentage, and short description in fields.

Methods in sos.marker with parameters of type Marker
 java.awt.Component DefaultMarkerRenderer.getMarkerRendererComponent(JMarkerBar markerBar, int markerIndex, Marker marker)
 java.awt.Component MarkerRenderer.getMarkerRendererComponent(JMarkerBar markerBar, int markerIndex, Marker marker)
          Returns the Component for a given marker on a marker bar.
static void Utility.scrollHorizontallyToMarker(javax.swing.JComponent componentToScroll, Marker marker)
          Scrolls the specific component horizontally to the relative location given by the specified marker.
static void Utility.scrollVerticallyToMarker(javax.swing.JComponent componentToScroll, Marker marker)
          Scrolls the specific component vertically to the relative location given by the specified marker.

Constructors in sos.marker with parameters of type Marker
JMarkerBar(Marker[] markers)
          Creates a JMarkerBar with an array of markers.

Side of Software
Marker Bar Library 1.0

Copyright 2009 Side of Software (SOS). All rights reserved.